Friday, February 05, 2010

Time Out with a Running Clock

I'm currently coaching my youngest son, Evan, in tackle football. The league has games setup to run on the hour every hour all day on Saturday. As such, there is no stopping the clock. You can take a time out but the clock doesn't stop. It just gives your boys a chance to catch their breath.

That's the way life is as well. You can take time outs but the clock never really stops running. We're here for a limited amount of time. Recently I have moved into a very busy season of my life. The children are all in sports/music. Johnna and I are both working full time. It's just a little much. So, I've chosen to take a time out from blogging for a while. The clock is still running. I know that. But I need to catch my breath.

Meanwhile, here are some of the more popular posts from this blog in the past couple years.
Point A to Point B People
Branding Christianity
The Unlit Way
Resurrecting Hope in Transition
Graphite vs Ink


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